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Home-School Agreement

Partnership between parents and school for the best possible outcomes

Khalsa Primary School’s Home-School Agreement is a commitment towards a working partnership for success with all staff, parents and pupils of the school.

Working in Partnership for Success

The School will:

  • Ensure that Child Protection and Safegurarding is our priority
  • Provide a positive and safe learning environment
  • Inform parents/carers about what we aim to teach the children each term and targets set
  • Seek feedback from parents/pupils about the work of the school
  • Let parents know about any concerns or problems that affect their child's learning or behaviour
  • Set, mark and monitor homework on a regular basis
  • Maintain contact through information written on parents’ notice board, home/school reading books, newsletters and coffee mornings
  • Provide an annual report on the child
  • Celebrate with and keep parents informed of their children's successes – personal, social, academic and spiritual
  • Arrange Parents' meetings each term to discuss children’s progress
  • Keep parents informed about school policies, procedures and activities through brochures, curriculum meetings, newsletters and notices
  • Be committed to raising standards of teaching and learning for all pupils
  • Encourage children to respect and take care of others and the learning environment
  • Be committed to guiding pupils to understand and learn about the Sikh faith.


Parents/Carers will:

  • Support the school’s Sikh ethos and values
  • Work in partnership with the school to encourage a positive learning attitude
  • Make every effort to support the extra-curricular and voluntary events organised by the school
  • Support the school's policies and guide-lines for behaviour management
  • Understand the importance of Child Protection, Safeguarding and its role in school
  • Promote care and consideration of others and the learning environment
  • Agree not to take my child out of school for holidays, during school term time.
  • See that my child goes to school regularly, on time and is properly equipped and dressed
  • Let the school know about any concerns that might affect my child's learning or behaviour
  • Support my child with homework and other opportunities for home learning
  • Attend parents' meetings and discussions about my child's progress
  • Value time spent talking and listening to my child at home
  • Get to know about my child's life at School

The Pupil will:

  • Follow the Sikh values
  • Attend school regularly and on time
  • Wear the school uniform, patka and be neat and tidy in appearance
  • Bring all the equipment needed everyday
  • Do all my class work and homework
  • Keep the school free from litter and graffiti
  • Follow the school's behaviour policy

Together we will:

Value one another as partners with our children.
Listen to and support each other in our aim to provide the best education for our children.

Please note that a place awarded in the Nursery does not in any way qualify or guarantee admission in the Reception class.

Download a copy of the Home/School Agreement here

K - Knowledge

H - Harmony

A - Ambition

L - Learning

S - Spiritual

A - Achievement