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School Policies

Consistent and transparent

School Policies

Policies help the school function in a consistent and transparent manner. They enable us to act in a considered and planned way. They provide an easy reference for both the school, parents and public to understand how we plan to act in a given set of circumstances.  The documents below are our key policies and are pdf downloads. 


Accessibility Plan

Admissions Criteria

Administration of Medicines Policy 

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Management Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Charging & Remissions Policy

Clear Desk Policy

Complaints Policy

Cookie Policy

Dealing with Persistent or Vexatious Complaints Policy

Early Years and Foundation Stage Policy (EYFS)

Equality Plan

Home/School Agreement

Health & Safety Policy

Lettings Policy

Physical Restraint Policy

RSE Policy

Safeguarding Leaflet for Visitors

Safeguarding Leaflet for Parents

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditions


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Policies

Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement

Bring Your Own Device Policy

CCTV Policy

Clear Desk Policy

Cookie Policy

Cyber Security Policy

Data Breach Policy

Data Protection Policy (GDPR) DPO Including SAR

Data Retention Policy

Electronic Information and Communications Policy

Freedom Of Information Policy

GDPR Addendum to Ealing Employment Contracts

Record of Processing Activities

Home Working Policy

Information Security Policy

Social Media Policy


Privacy Notices and Photograph Consent Forms

GDPR Privacy Notice for School Governors and Volunteers

GDPR Privacy Notice to Staff 

GDPR Privacy Notice to Pupils and Parents

GDPR Privacy Notice for Visitors and Contractors

GDPR Privacy Notice for Job Applicants

Consent Form for Photographs of Governors and Volunteers

Consent Form for Photographs of Pupils

Consent Form for Photographs of Staff

Together we shine

See also our school vision and values to get an understanding of the ethos that underpins our policies.